Nonlinear H∞ Attitude Controller for Satellites: part3
A Hamilton Jacobi Inequality based approach
In this last part, an H∞ controller will be proposed for attitude regulation and validated through simulation. The derivation relies on properly modeled dynamics (part1) and the insight gained from the design of a PD-liked controller (part2). As with most nonlinear controller design procedures, the construction of a nonlinear H∞ Attitude controller requires intensive algebraic manipulation (and some luck). If you are not interested in ad-hoc stuff, you may skip the corresponding sections and head directly to the final results.
Basic introduction of a Nonlinear H∞ controller
The central idea of a nonlinear H∞ controller is a performance-motivated design, in which the induced gain from disturbance and/or initial condition to the output function is expected to be limited. Roughly speaking, an H∞ controller is not a specific type nor an architecture, but a specification that could be met.
Hamilton Jacobi Inequality with a state feedback controller
For a state feedback-controlled system, satisfying HJI with the corresponding Lyapunov function is a sufficient condition to achieve the H∞ performance [1], in other words, a limited “L₂-gain” is guaranteed. The controlled version of HJI is stated as the following without derivation, a non-formal proof could be found in this previous post.
The H∞ Attitude Controller
The dynamics and the output function constructed for attitude regulation were already discussed in this post and the results are given as shown.
By trail & error, some luck, insight from the PD-liked stabilizing controller proposed in this post, and reference [2], a valid Lyapunov candidate was patched and written as:
Notice that the corresponding controller shared an identical form with the PD-liked design. Consequently, the controlled HJI can be expressed explicitly:
The trick here is to restrict the free coefficients “k₁,₂,₃” such that the cross-coupling part“ωσ” was canceled out and left with two chunks of isolated quadratic terms.
The problem left here is to determine the range of the coefficient which provides a negative upper bound for the HJI:
On the other hand, to maintain a positive Lyapunov function, utilizing the well-known result of the Schur complement (referring to the appendix of [3]):
By substituting the coefficient “k₃” with “k₁,₂”, two restrictions for a negative HJI and positive Lyapunov can be merged as the final result:
There is only a one-sided limitation of the Lyapunov function coefficient (controller gain), thus the H∞ performance is achievable for any output function coefficient “α,β”, sweet.
Comparison to a PD-liked controller
A PD-liked attitude controller was proven to be stable for any positive gain from the previous part of this series. In contrast, there are more restrictions for an H∞ controller. This observation is not a surprise since every Lyapunov function for HJI is sufficiently a Lyapunov function for basic stability analysis without disturbances. This relation provides a chance to construct a valid Lyapunov function for HJI from the existing stabilizing controller(s) which is demonstrated in this example.
Simulation results
To emphasize the characteristic of an H∞ controller, externally applied disturbance with a finite duration will be introduced in the simulation. The parameters used in the simulation are “M=diag([2, 1, 3])”, “x_init=[0,0,0,1,0,0,0]”, “disturbance=[40,40,40], for 0.5 second”, “α=100”, “β=1000”, and the suppression ratio “γ=1.2”. A proper control gain achieving an H∞ performance is chosen as “k₁=50”, “k₂=32”.
As a comparison, let’s try a pair of gains which does not meet the sufficient condition derived in this post, “k₁=50”, “k₂=5”. Beware that this design might not meet the sufficient condition, but it may still satisfy the HJI and achieve an H∞ performance, it’s just that our analysis couldn’t tell.
Conclusion and takeaway
In this part, a nonlinear H∞ controller design is proposed for the attitude regulation problem. The construction of the controlled Lyapunov function (usually the most struggling part) is inspired by the stabilizing PD-liked controller, and the corresponding sufficient condition was also resolved as inequalities. Despite the overly complicated derivation, the actual implementation of the H∞ controller for a rigid body is simple, this only holds for the case where the Lyapunov function was almost artificially designed.
This will be the end of this series, til next time.
[1] A. van der Schaft, L2-Gain and Passivity Techniques in Nonlinear Control. Springer International Publishing, 2018.
[2] R. J. Adams, J. M. Buffington, A. G. Sparks, and S. S. Banda, Robust Multivariable Flight Control. Springer London, 2012.
[3] S. Boyd, S. P. Boyd, L. Vandenberghe, and C. U. Press, Convex Optimization. Cambridge University Press, 2004.